An authentic Mexico in the heart of the Mayan lands.
Looking for the Old Mexico with Mayan accents, yearning to get off the beaten path… then Xcalak
is for you . In a protected area, this little fishermen’s village highlights many activities and
advantages : scuba diving, fly fishing and fishing, snorkelling, bird watching and wildlife trips on
land and water.
At the heart of the
National Parc
“Arrefices de Xcalak”
“ A magnificent home with it’s own beach, a dream come true !
Melanie, Nicole and Patrick – Canada

Between beach, reef and jungle
Facing the “ Great Mayan Reef”, the second largest reef in the world, Casa Caracola is located in a
national park “El Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak”.
Between the reef and the beach, magnificent coral heads harbour many fish, shellfish, … that you
can discover snorkelling or kayaking.
Xcalak is renown for it’s Flyfishing and is the home of many species such as tarpons, permits,
bonefish, jacks…
At the back of the property lies a lake with mangroves, home to many birds and wild animals. It’s
many terraces let you enjoy the sunrise and the sunset.