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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Publication Director:
Philippe LESAGE

Company Name:

Siret Number:

Hosting Provider:

Law of January 6, 1978, concerning data protection and privacy:

  • In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you can access, modify, or request the deletion of your personal data at any time.

How to exercise this right:

  • By sending an email through the site's contact form, specifying the fields and/or information you wish to modify.

Collection of personal data:

  • In compliance with the Law on Information Technology and Liberties of January 6, 1978, personal data collected through forms or other means will never be transmitted, whether free of charge or for a fee, to third parties, either individuals or organizations.

User Responsibility:

  • The user agrees to use the services offered on the site fairly, honestly, and in accordance with their intended purpose.
  • The user commits to using the services solely for personal needs and refrains from commercializing them to third parties.


  • Structure: All information about members displayed on the site, along with the methods of consultation, constitutes the site's databases.
  • These databases are the exclusive property of the Publication Director and are protected under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code concerning copyright, as well as the European Directive of March 11, 1996, on the legal protection of databases.
  • Under these conditions, the user agrees to use these data strictly within the framework of the services offered on the site. The user is strictly prohibited from reproducing, translating, adapting, arranging, transforming, communicating, representing, or distributing, whether permanently or temporarily, in any way or form, any part of the data contained in these databases.
  • Any use or exploitation in violation of these conditions constitutes an infringement of the Publication Director's rights, subject to penalties under international conventions and copyright laws referenced in this paragraph.
  • Furthermore, the Publication Director, as the producer of the databases, prohibits the extraction or reuse of all or part of their content.
  • The Publication Director implements all necessary measures to prevent theft, detrimental use, or destruction of the site's databases. However, the Publication Director cannot guarantee users protection against such violations if they result from the hosting provider's failure to fulfill its obligations.

Links to the Site:

  • Any hyperlink from another site to this site must be explicitly authorized in advance by the Publication Director.
  • Requests for such links must be submitted via the site's contact form.
  • The information on this website is provided by the Publication Director and is protected.
  • The distribution, modification, or reproduction, in part or in full, of this website is prohibited without prior written consent from the Publication Director.